Personal Safety and Business Safety Courses

In today’s society workplace violence is on the increase. The need to ensure that everyone who interfaces with the public, whether in an office, classroom or even a retail outlet should be able to recognise aggression, understand conflict and be able to keep themselves safe. These courses will engender workers with confidence and the necessary skills required to ensure their personal security and safety at all times. Our business and personal safety courses ensure you have these skills.


 This course is for any business or individual who deals with the public on a face to face basis.  The settings could include;

  • School

  • Retail organisation

  • Charity shop

  • Health service establishment

  • Restaurant

  • The list goes on……

The half day work shop is broken down into two sessions

– The first session is concerned with conflict management including recognising aggression, with triggers and inhibitors, and strategies for keeping yourself safe.  

– The second session deals with disengagement tactics using non-pain compliance i.e getting out of grips, grabs and holds quickly without causing harm or injury to yourself or the aggressor.

As well as ensuring the safety of all involved, this course will give everyone the confidence to deal with any conflict type situation in work or in other aspects of life.


The course raises participants’ understanding of the background to conflict and how they can  calm the situation without escalating the confrontation.  It goes into more depth on the conflict management section of the Personal Safety Workshop.


Participants learn how to increase their personal safety and to improve their confidence when dealing with conflict and customer aggression. It will concentrate on steps that need to be taken when an individual finds themselves working alone.